The new Transformers movie directed by Michael Bay has gone in premiere in London, naturally, among the lead actors, like Mark Wahlberg, the more important cars had to be shown during this premiere too … and this means the Lamborghini Centenario that has been seen during filming in London just had to be showcased again.
This clear carbon fiber bodied version came with orange livery instead of the yellow livery seen on the Geneva show car, it is still unclear if this is a factory supplied car or if it is indeed a customer owned one from the mere 20 that have been built at Sant’Agata … at a base price of $1,750,000 each, this specific Centenario comes with the clear carbon fiber option … which is rumored to cost $300,000 on its own.
In Transformers: The Last Knight this Lamborghini Centenario plays the role of Hot Rod, a character that has become iconic in the series ever since he killed Optimus Prime in the 1986 Transformers: The Movie animated film to become the new leader … called Rodimus Prime … if something similar is going to happen in this new Transformers movie is unclear … you’ll have to go and see it for yourself in a theater near you.