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Automobili Lamborghini’s factory and historic headquarters become CO2-neutral in 2015

  • First company in the world to obtain CO2-neutral certification through the DNV GL ‘Carbon Neutrality’ program
  • New trigeneration and district heating systems inaugurated in Sant’Agata Bolognese
  • Stephan Winkelmann: “Environmental commitment is an integral part of our strategy”
  • Minister Galletti: “Automobili Lamborghini is the perfect example of how business can be done while respecting the environment”

Automobili Lamborghini inaugurates new trigeneration and district heating systems, two of the main projects that lead to the Sant’Agata Bolognese company’s attainment of CO2-neutral certification for the entire plant.

The certification under the “Carbon Neutrality” program is the first in the world awarded to a company by DNV GL (Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd), one of the leading environmental risk management classification, verification and service companies in the world. Automobili Lamborghini achieves this significant goal within 2015 by reducing and compensating for CO2 emissions inside the production site.

The inauguration event celebrates the attainment of a primary goal within Lamborghini’s environmental sustainability strategy, which was initiated several years ago with the completion of a large number of projects regarding the plant and Lamborghini cars.

“Sustainability is one of our company objectives and we subscribe to a strong undertaking of environmental responsibility towards our stakeholders and the area where the company operates,” said Stephan Winkelmann, Automobili Lamborghini President and CEO. “The new plant and the certification we have earned today are part of our sustainable growth program. Our goal is to keep the plant CO2-neutral, even after the expansion that will take place in the upcoming years with the introduction of the third Lamborghini model.”

The inauguration was held in the presence of the Minister of the Environment, Land and Sea, Gian Luca Galletti, and several government authorities.

“Automobili Lamborghini is the perfect example of how business can be done while respecting the environment, and I would like to see this model exported to other regions of this country. Here, profitability and sustainability are going hand in hand. Manufacturing in Italy is a synonym for quality and this is essential for our region: we need to think of the environment as a big opportunity for the development of businesses. I believe the companies that do understand this new industrial culture will be the winners of the 21st century,” comments Gian Luca Galletti.

The trigeneration system and district heating

The new trigeneration plant, located inside the Sant’Agata Bolognese factory, produces electricity, heating and cooling using natural gas. Its installed power is 1.2 MW and every year it generates about 9,800 MWhe. By way of example, the amount of energy generated could meet the yearly needs of all homes in Sant’Agata Bolognese. Savings in terms of emissions will total approximately 820 tons of CO2 every year.

By 2017 this plant will be fueled by Biogas in order to reduce the CO2 emissions even further, by up to 5,600 tons every year.

Automobili Lamborghini is also the first automotive company in Italy to utilize a district heating system. This system distributes hot water within the factory, coming from a biogas cogeneration plant located six kilometers from the company, through a network of underground pipes. Lamborghini chose to use the energy generated by a cogeneration plant that would otherwise have been lost. The emissions saved will total approximately 1,800 tons of CO2 every year.

Other activities to reduce CO2

Manufacturing emissions have been reduced by implementing a number of projects, with the goal of improving the energy efficiency of the entire plant. In addition to the trigeneration and district heating systems, the company has installed one of the Emilia Romagna industrial sector’s largest photovoltaic plants, as well as a cogeneration plant and other advanced energy saving systems.

The company is also cooperating with the Municipality of Bologna on a project to develop cycle mobility.

“Lamborghini’s is an ambitious goal, pursued through a complex monitoring  and emissions reduction system, and implemented via important structural actions. We hope that the commitment and sustainability of such a prestigious company and brand serve as a trailblazer in the automotive industry,” commented Luca Crisciotti, CEO of DNV GL.

Lamborghini and the environment

Lamborghini has laid out an environmental strategy based on innovation in its production processes as well as its products, and reaches its goal of reducing the CO2 emissions of its vehicles by 25% by 2015.

It is the first and only car manufacturer in Italy to have earned EMAS environmental certification. The EMAS regulation is well-recognized as a tool conceived by the European Union for helping organizations evaluate and improve their environmental efficiency. The important accreditation was awarded in July 2009, just a few months after the company received ISO 14001 certification for meeting international standards on environmental management.

The completion in 2010 of an integrated photovoltaic plant with an area of 15,000 m2 represented a milestone within this commitment. Altogether, the plant reduces CO2 emissions by 1,000 tons per year.

2011 then saw the opening of Lamborghini Park. It was devoted to the “Lamborghini for Biodiversity – Oak Forest Research Project”, for which more than 10,000 young oak trees were planted on an area of approximately 70,000 m2 in the town of Sant’Agata Bolognese. By monitoring this plantation over the years and over decades to come, it will be possible to better understand the relationship between forest productivity, density, the capacity to absorb carbon and to maintain biodiversity based on the climate. The project is being carried out in conjunction with the town of Sant’Agata Bolognese and the Universities of Bologna, Bolzano and Munich.

Automobili Lamborghini is also the first automaker in Italy to have earned ISO 50001 certification, in October 2011.

The new building for developing prototypes and pre-series vehicles was inaugurated in 2012. The new structure is the first multi-story industrial building in Italy to earn class A energy certification. The new Logistics Center and the new Training Center, in operation since 2013 and 2014 respectively, feature the same characteristics. The energy class A requirement has been a standard for all new Lamborghini buildings since 2012.