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Automobili Lamborghini has strengthened its management team with the appointment of two new directors, joining President and CEO Stephan Winkelmann

Ranieri Niccoli (40), born in Bologna (Italy), joins the board as the new industrial director. During his career he has spent time in production with enterprises including Fiat Auto. He has a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the university of Rome. Niccoli has written a number of published engineering papers and also spent time with the European Space Agency.

Federico Foschini (36), born in Ravenna (Italy), joins the board as Project Management Director, having worked within Lamborghini’s purchasing department since 1999 and one year (2007–2008) within the Project Management for Audi AG. Foschini holds a degree in Engineering Management from the university of Bologna.

Niccoli and Foschini take their places on the managerial board of Automobili Lamborghini headed by CEO Winkelmann, alongside Salvatore Cieri Finance; Dominik H. Hoberg Communication and Merchandising; Manfred Fitzgerald Brand & Design; Maurizio Reggiani R&D; Ingo Budde Quality; Johannes Schmitz-Valckenberg Purchasing; Enrico Maffeo Sales and After Sales; and Umberto Tossini Human Resources & Organisation.

In the top photo: President and CEO Stephan Winkelmann, centre, with the Automobili Lamborghini management team.

From left to right: Enrico Maffeo, Ingo Budde, Umberto Tossini, Ranieri Niccoli, Dominik H. Hoberg, Federico Foschini, Maurizio Reggiani, Salvatore Cieri, Johannes Schmitz-Valckenberg and Manfred Fitzgerald.